Advanced Care

Advanced care services are services that go above and beyond those generally performed at a routine wellness visit. These services may be specialized surgeries, eye treatments, diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, or other therapies. Please click on any of the subheadings listed below to learn more about our services in advanced care.

Available Services
  • Did you know that your pets can have allergies to common environmental factors just like you? 

    Do you ever notice your pet’s skin becoming uncharacteristically red or itchy? This could be an allergic reaction. Pets can suffer from allergies to elements in the environment around them, as well as certain ingredients in their foods, just like people can.

    Some signs your pet may be suffering from an allergy can include:

    • Itchy, or red/pink skin
    • Unusual scratching or itching
    • Discharge from the eyes or nose
    • Hair loss
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea

    If you suspect that your pet could be suffering from an allergy, it is recommended that you schedule an examination and consultation with your veterinarian.... Read more

  • Orthopedic surgery involves surgery of the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments Fractured bones and torn ligaments are some of the most common injuries seen by the veterinary surgeon In many cases... Read more

  • Our hospital offers a variety of Cardiology Services Cardiology is the branch of veterinary medicine that treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and blood vessels This involves... Read more

  • Our hospital offers an advanced diagnostic imaging tool called CT (computed tomography) scanning Pets who may require a CT scan include those with neurologic disorders (disk disease, seizures, etc )... Read more

  • Our hospital offers dermatology services Our veterinarians will perform a detailed history, physical examination and basic medical ... Read more

  • Our hospital offers a number of diagnostic imaging services Diagnostic imaging refers to the techniques and processes used to create images of your pet's body or body parts for medical purposes ... Read more

  • Our hospital is proud to offer state-of-the-art Digital Radiology Services. Digital x-rays are essentially film-less x-rays. Traditional x-rays use photographic film to capture images whereas digital x-rays use a digital image capture device (computer) to record the x-ray image.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers Echocardiography as one of our many Cardiology Services. An echocardiogram is an ultrasound (sonogram) exam of the heart. Many times both radiographs (X-rays) and ultrasound of the heart are recommended to best evaluate heart disease.... Read more

  • Our hospital routinely performs Electrocardiograms as part of our Cardiology Services. An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a read out of the electrical activity of the heart. If your veterinarian hears a heart rhythm abnormality (called an arrhythmia) in your pet's heart beat, they will recommend an ECG.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers Endoscopy Services. Endoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic medical procedure that is used to assess the interior surfaces of an organ by inserting a tube into the body. It is an essential diagnostic tool for pets with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.... Read more

  • Radioactive Iodine Therapy is now considered the treatment of choice for Feline Hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid glands produce an excess of a hormone that controls your cat's metabolic rate, accelerating wear and tear on his or her internal organs.  

    In order to stop this excess hormone production, and injection of Radioactive Iodine (I-131) is given.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) that is open 24 hours a day for treating your pet during times of critical need. Pets requiring an ICU are often very ill and require specialized nursing staff and veterinarians to pull them through a crisis.

    Special equipment to help critically ill pets, such as blood pressure monitors, ECG machines, pulse oximeters, incubators, oxygen cages and ventilators are available at our facility.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers a variety of Internal Medicine Services. Internal Medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, management, and nonsurgical treatment of diseases affecting the lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen, intestinal tract, urinary tract, endocrine system, and neuromuscular systems. Management of these conditions is typically done with diet, exercise and medications.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers Laser Surgery Services. Laser surgery is surgery performed using a laser instead of a scalpel. Laser surgery uses an intense beam of light that is precisely focused to cut tissue.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), an advanced form of diagnostic tool. Having an MRI scan is a non-invasive procedure similar to taking an x-ray. However, an MRI relies on a very powerful magnetic field to create an image of soft tissue and then uses a computer to process the resulting information.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers a wide range of Orthopedic Surgery services to cope with a wide range of injuries and conditions.  

    In the case of a broken leg, for example, our surgeons can perform such procedures as bone plating, pinning and/or wiring to successfully mend the fractured bones. On the other hand, if your pet experiences a knee ligament injury, a procedure such as a TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) may be recommended.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers oxygen therapy for the treatment of many acute cardiac, respiratory and blood disorders. Oxygen may be provided to patients by a nasal catheter (cannula), oxygen cage, hood or mask. Close veterinary monitoring of these patients is required to maintain oxygen flow, avoid potential complications of oxygen usage, and to insure that expected therapeutic goals are being met.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers many Soft Tissue Surgery Services. Soft tissue surgery refers to surgery on any body part excluding: bones/joints (orthopedic surgery), heart (cardiac surgery), or nervous system (neurologic surgery). Examples of common soft tissue surgeries include gastrointestinal surgery (to remove foreign objects or removed diseased sections of intestine), bladder surgery (to remove stones or polyps), liver surgery (to remove masses or diseased lobes), and spleen surgery (often to remove diseased spleens or masses).... Read more

  • Our hospital offers ultrasound (sonogram) examinations as a non-invasive diagnostic procedure to evaluate your pet’s internal organs. Ultrasound can be used to examine the abdominal organs, reproductive organs, eyes and heart.  

    If the heart is being examined, the ultrasound is called an echocardiogram.... Read more