
When a pet emergency strikes, VCA Canada North Central is here to help. Our hospital is fully staffed with experienced veterinarians, animal health technologists, and veterinary nursing assistants to help with your immediate emergency needs. Our in-house laboratory equipment can run blood work and print the results within minutes of your arrival. If you are unsure whether your pet is experiencing a health emergency, please do not hesitate to call or contact us.

Dog & Cat Emergencies

At VCA Canada North Central, we understand just how scary it can be for pet owners when their pets experience a serious health emergency. That’s why when an emergency strikes, our 24 hour emergency service in Edmonton is ready to provide immediate care. Our animal emergency vet team has vast experience diagnosing and treating emergency and urgent health problems in pets. This level of experience, coupled with our team’s access to the latest technologies, helps ensure that when a veterinary health emergency occurs, our team is ready to take decisive action on behalf of your pet’s life. Our diagnostic equipment, including digital radiography, ultrasound and blood analyzers, allow for near-instant diagnostic results.

As a pet owner, you may be wondering what constitutes an emergency situation. After all, sometimes it can be difficult to tell if your pet is simply not feeling well and needs to rest, or if he is suffering from a life-threatening sickness that requires immediate urgent care. Symptoms to look for in a pet emergency include a painful or bloated belly, excessive vomiting, diarrhea (with or without blood) and uncontrollable bleeding. Common veterinary health emergencies include traumatic injuries, such as being hit by a car, heat stroke, frostbite, accidental poisoning, allergic reactions, facial swelling, and difficulty breathing. If your pet suddenly is unable to stand, has pale or swollen gums, experiences difficulty walking, has hives, or suffers a seizure, please contact our 24 hour emergency service immediately.