
Call us at 469-262-6568

Erin Corbin, DVM, Residency in Small Animal Surgery

Services Offered

Soft Tissue Surgery

  • Laryngeal surgery
  • Lung and thoracic surgery
  • Liver and gastrointestinal surgery
  • Kidney and urogenital surgery
  • Reconstructive surgery for wounds
  • Tumor removal

Orthopedic Surgery

  • Stifle joint problems
  • TPLO
  • TTA
  • Lateral Suture
  • Stabilization of Luxating Patella

Hip Dysplasia

  • PennHip Evaluation
  • Pubic symphysiodesis (puppies)
  • Triple Pelvic Osteotomy
  • FHNO

Fracture Repair

  • ESF, ring fixation, plate stabilization
  • Angular limb deformaties


  • IVDD
  • Spinal Fractures and Tumors
  • Myelography for spinal problems
  • CT (off site)
  • MRI (off site)

Cancer Surgery

  • Limb Salvage Operations
  • Head and Neck Cancer Surgery
  • Abdominal and thoracic mass removals
  • Feline Fibrosarcoma

Emergency Surgery

  • Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus
  • Gastric Foreign Bodies
  • Uterine infection
  • Caesarian section
  • Traumatic abdominal and thoracic wounds