Pet Boarding

Dog Boarding

Our hospital offers dog boarding you can trust. It is sometimes difficult to find a boarding facility that will tend to the needs of your dog and give them the attention they deserve. Boarding at our facility is ideal, especially if your dog has certain medical conditions that require medication.

So that we can best accommodate your dog, please make reservations in advance, especially during the holiday season. We will also review your dog's vaccination history to make sure that everything is up to date prior to the start of the boarding visit.

You can download our Boarding Release and Policies as well as our Drop-Off and Authorization for Treatment forms and fill them out and bring them with your prior to your pet's stay to speed up your check-in.

Since boarding facilities and amenities vary from place to place, please call or stop by and let us show you the additional amenities we can offer your pet during his or her stay.

Pet Hotel Guidelines

Shared Lodging:
Single lodging provides the guest an individual accommodation. Shared lodging is intended for pets of the same species, belonging to the same owner. Up to two pets may share the same accommodation - if they are compatible with one another. If during the stay it is determined the pets cannot share lodging, they will be moved to individual housing.

All animals visiting our facility must maintain current vaccination status, both for your pet????????s protection and that of our other guests. If your pet does not receive veterinary care at this hospital, written proof of current vaccinations or the name of your attending veterinarian (for telephone verification) must be provided at or before time of admission. If vaccinations have been administered at another veterinary hospital and proof of those vaccinations is not on file, the vaccines will be brought current at the time of admission and charged accordingly.

Required Canine Vaccinations:
DA2P, Parvovirus, Rabies, Bordetella, Leptospirosis and Canine Influenza

All pets must be free of internal/external parasites, including fleas and ticks. A negative ova/parasite/giardia fecal test is required with in the last year. If indicated on your pet, an appropriate treatment will be administered and charged accordingly.

Rates and Payment:
Boarding rates are charged by the number of nights stayed, and applied on a nightly basis at closing time. Other services provided to your pet during boarding are charged at prevailing fees. Payment in full is expected when your pet is discharged. Twenty-four (24) hour advance cancellation notice is required. A one-night boarding fee will be charged to your account in the event advance cancellation notice is not received, and your reservation is not honored. A valid credit card number is required to guarantee all reservation requests. A fifty percent (50%) deposit is required for first time clients, and extended (fourteen nights or greater) boarding.

Medical Illness Policy:
If your pet requires medical attention we will notify the emergency contact provided at admission. If contact is delayed or cannot be made, your pet will be stabilized and treated as medically appropriate at prevailing fees. If your pet is currently on medication, please inform the receptionist. Charges for administering medications are based on the frequency of dosing and the means of administration.

Special Diets:
If your pet is on a special diet our staff will prepare and feed this food, provided at admittance, per your feeding instructions. Food items must be labeled with your pet????????s name and directions.

Personal Belongings:
Beds, towels and/or articles of clothing to accompany your pet are discouraged. These items present sanitation control problems and impede the care of your pet. We welcome toys, chew sticks, etc. for your pet????????s entertainment - but we assume no liability for the loss, soiling, or destruction of any item accompanying your pet. Collars and leashes may not be left at any time.

Inherent Conditions:
Occasionally pets may develop problems from environmental and dietary changes. Signs may include: vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing and self-trauma such as scratching or biting their skin. Please be aware and understand that these conditions can develop and that the hospital is not financially responsible for these inherent conditions, if they do occur.

Please notify us of any change of plans in your pet????????s scheduled release date. If we do not hear from you - or are unable to contact you or your authorized agent - for a period of 14 days after your pet????????s scheduled release date, the Hospital will consider your pet abandoned according to the animal abandonment laws in the State of Texas. Please be advised that the pet owner remains responsible for all fees accrued, and any other fees or legal services incurred by the Hospital as a result of the abandonment.