Advanced Care

Advanced care services go above and beyond a general hospital visit for pets. Advanced services may be items such as specialized surgeries, eye treatment, diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, or therapies. Please click on any of the subheadings listed below to learn more about our services in advanced care.

Available Services
  • Our hospital offers a variety of cardiology services Cardiology is the branch of veterinary medicine that treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and blood vessels This encompasses... Read more

  • Our hospital offers a number of diagnostic imaging services Diagnostic imaging refers to the techniques and processes used to create images of your pet's body or body parts for medical purposes ... Read more

  • Cancer is becoming increasingly more common in our pets, simply because they are living longer. However, the most important point to realize about this dreaded disease is that many forms can be easily treated, managed, and even cured. With early detection and specialized care, survival rates and even cures are increasing in almost all types of cancer that affect pets.... Read more

  • Our hospital offers many soft tissue surgery services. Soft tissue surgery refers to surgery on any body part excluding: bones/joints (orthopedic surgery), heart (cardiac surgery), or nervous system (neurologic surgery). Examples of common soft tissue surgeries include gastrointestinal surgery (to remove foreign objects or removed diseased sections of intestine), bladder surgery (to remove stones or polyps), liver surgery (to remove masses or diseased lobes), and spleen surgery (often to remove diseased spleens or masses).... Read more

  • Our hospital offers ultrasound (sonogram) examinations as a non-invasive diagnostic procedure to evaluate your pet's internal organs. Ultrasound can be used to examine the abdominal organs, reproductive organs, eyes and heart. Ultrasound is non-invasive and well tolerated by most pets.... Read more