Autumn Alert: Stay Safe and Savor the Season!  

    outdoor dog safety

Whether you’re going out pumpkin picking or just raking leaves in your yard, there are so many fun activities in the fall! Your dog will love to join you on all your autumn adventures, but there are a few hazards you should watch out for along the way.


Fleas and ticks. Parasites like fleas and ticks continue to be active all through the fall, so it’s important to keep your dog protected. Ticks are particularly concerning because they can transmit illnesses like Lyme disease to both you and your pet. Make sure you continue to keep your dog up-to-date on flea and tick preventives year-round!

This bacterial disease is most common in the fall, particularly after heavy rains. The bacteria are transmitted in wildlife urine and can live in moist soil or stagnant water for months. All dogs should be vaccinated against this potentially deadly disease.

Hunting. Fall means the start of hunting season in many areas, so it’s important to take precautions. Try to avoid areas where hunting is the most popular. If you’re in the woods with your dog, make sure you’re both wearing the color blaze orange so you’ll be visible and easily identified. You can also talk to your dog or whistle as you walk so hunters will know where you are.

Wildlife mating season. As the days get cooler, many species of wildlife begin their mating rituals. September is porcupine breeding season, meaning they’re more likely to be down on the ground, increasing the chances of prickly interactions with your dog. Deer are also beginning to travel to find a mate and may end up in your backyard or on your favorite trail. Bucks can be quite aggressive, so keep your dog close and review their recall skills.


Prepping for winter. Changing to winter tires, gathering firewood and making sure the cold is kept out by caulking and insulating—that’s how we prep for winter! Squirrels, mice and rats may be out in full force storing food for the winter months and looking for a cozy home to hunker down in until spring. But this may mean the presence of rodent poison as people try to deter them from entering their home. Block your dog’s access to rodenticide and be careful when out for walks.


Snake surprise! Like us, snakes like to soak in the last warmth of the summer by basking on hot rocks or trails before they head to their hibernaculum. Most snakes are harmless, but be aware of the species in your area and pay attention when walking your dog on trails.

Walking at night. Now that the sun is setting earlier, be sure to carry a flashlight with you and consider using a reflective collar, leash or jacket on your dog so they can easily be seen by oncoming cars. When in doubt, stick to well-lighted areas.

Cold snaps. 
Depending on your area, autumn temperatures may be unpredictable. Never leave your dog outside unsupervised for long periods of time, especially in wet weather. Even dogs that usually love the cold may not have acclimated to it quite yet, so keep a close eye on your dog during your outdoor adventures.

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