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Karen Illel
Medical Director DVM
VCA Main Street Animal Hospital is proud to welcome to our family Dr. Karen Illel. She attended Veterinary Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in México City. After obtaining her degree, Dr. Illel relocated to West Palm Beach, Florida where she worked for over 8 years in general practice. She dedicated her time on the Board of the rescue organization, “Save a Pet” and was deeply involved with spay and neuter programs at Animal Care and Control of West Palm Beach. Dr. Illel has special interest in laser therapy, preventive care and surgery; her knowledge and experience are wonderful assets to our team! Relocating to San Diego has brought her closer to her family, especially her grandchildren!

VCA Main Street Animal Hospital se enorgullece de dar la bienvenida a nuestra familia a la Dr. Karen Illel. Ingresó de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en la Ciudad de México. Después de obtener su título, la Dra. Illel se reubico en West Palm Beach en Florida, donde trabajó durante más de 8 años en la práctica general. Ella dedicó su tiempo en la junta directiva de la organización de rescate, "Salva una mascota" y estuvo profundamente involucrada con programas de esterilizaciones y castraciones en Animal Care and Control de West Palm Beach. LaDra. Illel tiene especial interés en terapia con láser, cuidado preventivo y cirugía. Su conocimiento y experiencia son maravillosos complementos a nuestro equipo! Venir a San Diego la ha acercado a su familia, especialmente a sus nietos!


Our veterinarians are a team of highly trained individuals dedicated to the health and well-being of your pets. Explore our veterinarians' biographies and learn about the individuals who make our hospital an excellent choice for your pet's care.